12:55 PM | Event Kick-Off : Stacey Brown, President and Founder of InsurTech Hartford |
1:00-1:15 PM | Keynote Speaker |
Andrew N. Mais, Connecticut Insurance Commissioner and NAIC President | |
1:15-1:40 PM | How Mainstream Runoff is Making Its Way into Captives |
Anna Petropoulo, CEO, Apetrop USA Inc. | |
F. Hale Stewart, Higginbotham | |
John Bauer, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, RiverStone | |
1:40- 2:05 PM | Adding Employee Benefits to Your Captive |
Prabal Lakhanpal, Senior Vice President, Spring Consulting Group, An Alera Group Company | |
Debbie Gaglioti, President & Chief Financial Officer, Captive Planning Associates, LLC | |
2:05-2:40 PM | Networking Break |
2:40-3:05 PM | Captive Insurance Journey: What You Need to Consider in Direct and Indirect Tax |
Daniel Kusaila, Tax Partner, Crowe LLP | |
Michael O'Malley, Managing Director, Strategic Risk Solutions | |
3:05-3:30 PM | Parametric Solutions and Technological Innovations: A Game Changer for Climate Resilient Insurance |
Moderator: Christina Kindstedt, President, Advantage Insurance Management USA | |
Yani Wolf, President of Arx of Veritas | |
Dr. Marcus Shmalbach, CEO, RYSKEX Inc. | |
Steven McElhiney, Partner, Augment Risk | |
3:30-3:55 PM | The Globalization of Risk: Captives on the Forefront of Change. |
Michael Maglaras, CIC Principal Executive Officer, Michael Maglaras & Company | |
3:55-4:35- PM | Networking Break |
4:35-5:00 PM | Connecticut’s Captive Domicile Responses to Increasing Challenges to Businesses |
Moderator: Michael Serricchio, Managing Director, Marsh Captive Solutions | |
P.J. Cimmini, President, Connecticut Captive Insurance Association | |
John Bourdeaux, President, AdvanceCT | |
Jared Kosky, Deputy Commissioner, Connecticut Insurance Department | |
5:00-5:25 PM | Current issues with Insurance and MGAs/InsurTechs Employ Captives to Support Program Business |
Moderator: Mark McDonnell, Senior Portfolio Manager, OPTIMUM QUANTVEST CORPORATION | |
Jerry Theodorou, Director at R Street Institue | |
Michael Douglas, Director, Business Development, Captive & Insurance Management, Commercial Risk Solutions, Aon | |
5:25-5:30 PM | Closing Remarks: Fenhua Liu , Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Captive Insurance, Connecticut Insurance Department |
5:30-7:00 PM | Networking Reception |
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