Businesses looking for innovative and efficient insurance and risk management solutions
Service providers supporting the insurance and risk management sectors
Insurers, reinsurers, MGAs, and InsurTechs interested in exploring new opportunities
Members of the public and others with an interest in the insurance industry


Andrew Mais, Connecticut Insurance Commissioner and The 2024 President of National Association of Insurance Commissioners


Andrew Mais

Connecticut Insurance Commissioner and 2024 NAIC President CT Insurance Department

Anna Petropoulos

CEO Apetrop USA Inc.

Hale Stewart

Captive Development Officer Higginbotham

John Bauer

Senior Vice President & General Counsel RiverStone

Prabal Lakhanpal

National Practice Leader, Alternate Risk and Captives Alera Group

Debbie Gaglioti

President & Chief Financial Officer Captive Planning Associates, LLC

Michael O'Malley

Managing Director Strategic Risk Solutions

Christina Kindstedt

President Advantage Insurance Management USA

Yani Wolf

President of Arx Veritas

Dr. Marcus Shmalbach


Michael Maglaras

CIC Principal Executive Officer Michael Maglaras & Company

Michael Serricchio

Managing Director Marsh Captive Solutions

PJ Cimini

President Connecticut Captive Insurance Association

John Bourdeaux

President & CEO AdvanceCT

Jared Kosky

Deputy Commissioner Connecticut Insurance Department

Jerry Theodorou

Director R Street Institue

Michael Douglas

Director, Captive & Insurance Management Aon

Fenhua Liu

Assistant Deputy Commissioner Connecticut Insurance Department

Mark McDonnell


Steve McElhiney

Partner - Captives and Alternative Risk Transfer Solutions Augment Risk

Daniel Kusaila

Tax Partner Crowe Horwath LLP

Stacey Brown

Founder & President InsurTech Hartford

In partnership with InsurTech Hartford Symposium, April 29 & 30

Visit website to learn more.


12:55 PM Event Kick-Off  : Stacey Brown, President and Founder of InsurTech Hartford
1:00-1:15 PM Keynote Speaker 
Andrew N. Mais, Connecticut Insurance Commissioner and NAIC President 
1:15-1:40 PM How Mainstream Runoff is Making Its Way into Captives
Anna Petropoulo, CEO, Apetrop USA Inc. 
F. Hale Stewart, Higginbotham
John Bauer, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, RiverStone
1:40- 2:05 PM Adding Employee Benefits to Your Captive 
Prabal Lakhanpal, Senior Vice President, Spring Consulting Group, An Alera Group Company
Debbie Gaglioti, President & Chief Financial Officer, Captive Planning Associates, LLC
2:05-2:40 PM Networking Break 
2:40-3:05 PM Captive Insurance Journey: What You Need to Consider in Direct and Indirect Tax
Daniel Kusaila, Tax Partner, Crowe LLP
Michael O'Malley, Managing Director, Strategic Risk Solutions 
3:05-3:30 PM Parametric Solutions and Technological Innovations: A Game Changer for Climate Resilient Insurance
Moderator: Christina Kindstedt, President, Advantage Insurance Management USA
Yani Wolf, President of Arx of Veritas
Dr. Marcus Shmalbach, CEO, RYSKEX Inc. 
Steven McElhiney, Partner, Augment Risk
3:30-3:55 PM The Globalization of Risk: Captives on the Forefront of Change.
Michael Maglaras, CIC Principal Executive Officer, Michael Maglaras & Company 
3:55-4:35- PM Networking Break 
4:35-5:00 PM Connecticut’s Captive Domicile Responses to Increasing Challenges to Businesses
Moderator: Michael Serricchio, Managing Director, Marsh Captive Solutions
P.J. Cimmini, President, Connecticut Captive Insurance Association 
John Bourdeaux, President, AdvanceCT 
Jared Kosky, Deputy Commissioner, Connecticut Insurance Department
5:00-5:25 PM Current issues with Insurance and MGAs/InsurTechs Employ Captives to Support Program Business
Moderator: Mark McDonnell, Senior Portfolio Manager, OPTIMUM QUANTVEST CORPORATION
Jerry Theodorou, Director at R Street Institue
Michael Douglas, Director, Business Development, Captive & Insurance Management, Commercial Risk Solutions, Aon 
5:25-5:30 PM Closing Remarks: Fenhua Liu , Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Captive Insurance, Connecticut Insurance Department
5:30-7:00 PM Networking Reception


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